When a row in a temporal table is updated, DB2 updates the row and DB2 will automatically move the previous version of the row to a history table. 当时态表中的一行被更新时,DB2更新该行并自动将该行的以前版本转移到一个历史表中。
The previous example demonstrated how to modify multiple column values for a specific row in a single table. 上例演示了如何修改单个表中特定行的多个列值。
If you need only to compute the distance and not alignments, as is usually the case, it is easy to reduce this to O ( n), since only the previous row is required to compute the next. 如果您只需要计算距离,不需要校准,就像通常情况那样,那么可以很容易地把空间需求降到O(n),因为计算下一行只需要前面一行。
In the previous requisition phase, the required pixel size for each column and row was determined. 在前面的请求阶段中,确定了每个列和行所需的像素大小。
The previous example uploaded the data one row at a time& obviously, not an optimal approach. 前一个例子每次上载一行数据&显然不是最佳的方法。
This only increases the number of computations by a factor of two but requires increased overhead for bookkeeping ( since the samples from the previous row must be stored). 这种方法只需要增加计算的次数但是需要对原先的行进行保存。
If the focus is already in the first cell of the row, moves the focus to the last cell in the previous row. 如果焦点已经位于此行中的第一个单元格,则将焦点移到前一行的最后一个单元格。
The National Bureau of Statistics said the economy expanded by 10.4 per cent in the third quarter, down from 11.3 per cent in the previous quarter but enough to ensure that growth will exceed 10 per cent for the fourth year in a row. 中国国家统计局宣布,第三季度经济增长10.4%,较上一季度的11.3%有所回落,但足以确保全年增幅将连续第四年超过10%。
Celebrates all previous years, studied the world to raise an imposing Confucianism revival movement, the Confucianist intellectual take a row of Buddha as own duty, the writings criticized Buddhism in abundance, has formed the widespread influence in the government and the people. 庆历年间,学坛掀起了一场轰轰烈烈的儒学复兴运动,儒家知识分子以排佛为己任,纷纷著述批判佛教,在朝野形成了广泛的影响。
When the teacher came in the forefront of the school, forget the previous row, good management education system can stimulate the continuing success in the future. 当老师走在学校的最前列,忘记前行时,好的管理教学制度能激发其百尺竿头,更进一步。